Foto einer lächelnden Frau mit einem HEadset auf dem Kopf, die in einem Call Center ein Telefonat entgegen nimmt

We are glad to help!

Do you have any questions or want to send us a message? Our service team will be happy to assist you.

Our service team will be happy to help

Write us an e-mail to or call us on the following telephone number:

+48 95 7317340

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Learn More about Inco

Sophisticated scanning projects and customer support – including technical support – are Inco’s core competences. These are the areas where we have developed solutions that are tailored to the needs of our customers.

Inco Sp. z o.o. is a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. Find out more about our solutions, our history and our management:

At Inco, we are working on secure digitisation and supporting our customers with scanning services and service desk solutions. We are therefore looking for experienced experts with strong skills. Get to know us.