Foto der Inco-Zentrale in Polen von außen

About Us

Based in Gorzów Wielkopolski in Poland, Inco Spółka z o.o. is a company of the German Bundesdruckerei Group. With its current workforce of around 180 employees, Inco offers scanning services, OCR recognition and data capture, among other things. In addition, its call centre supports the Bundesdruckerei Group’s products and services.

Milestones in the Company’s History

Digitisation is our passion. For more than two decades now, Inco has been focused on modern scanning technologies, on the digitisation and digital archiving of print products and on secure data transfer. Its portfolio is supplemented by customer services and support solutions. It is our goal to provide our customers with professional and reliable support in their digital transformation and to position them well for the future.

Grafische Abbildung der Jahreszahl 1999

Inco founded, based in Gorzów Wlkp. in Poland

Grafische Abbildung der Jahreszahl 2000

Business focus on scanning and electronic processing of paper documents

Grafische Abbildung der Jahreszahl 2008

Relocation of the Inco headquarters to a new location in Wawrów.  

Grafische Abbildung der Jahreszahl 2014

Extension of portfolio to include services and technical support

Grafische Abbildung der Jahreszahl 2016

Expansion of service desk offering for public authorities and customers from private sector

Grafische Abbildung der Jahreszahl 2021

Opening of a second location in Gorzów Wlkp.

Detailaufnahme des Außengebäudes der Inco-Zentrale in Polen



Our Locations

Inco’s approximately 180 employees work at two sites in Gorzów Wielkopolski in Poland. Learn more about our locations here:

Photo of the entrance areaof the Inco headquarters in Poland

Location 1: Wawrów 90 / Gorzów Wlkp.

Inco Spółka z o.o. has been based in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland, since 1999. The Wawrów 90 location employs administrative staff as well as the majority of the technical specialists assisting with call centre and service desk solutions.

Foto des zweiten Standorts der Inco in Polen

Location 2: Na Skarpie 49 D / Gorzów Wlkp.

Inco has had a second location in Gorzów Wielkopolski since 2021. All our digitisation processes are implemented at ul. Na Skarpie 49 D using state-of-the-art recognition and recording systems: This is where Inco digitises, indexes and archives documents for its customers.

Quality and security are of the utmost importance to the Bundesdruckerei Group and to Inco. Regular certifications demonstrate the quality of our solutions.

We are a Member of the Bundesdruckerei Group

As a Bundesdruckerei Group company, we share common values. Together with Bundesdruckerei Gruppe GmbH and other subsidiaries, we pursue a holistic approach in order to harmonise economic, ecological and social interests. We are committed to the highest security and quality standards and follow clear compliance and management guidelines. Find out more about the Bundesdruckerei Group, our social commitment, and our holistic sustainability management.

As a German federal technology company, the Bundesdruckerei Group is contributing to the digital sovereignty of Germany and Europe with its digital and security expertise. Its individual companies offer identification systems along with products and solutions relating to cyber security and digitisation – for the public sector and for areas of society and the economy that are worthy of protection.

The Bundesdruckerei Group is particularly committed to the interests of the state, citizens and society. The aim of the Group and its individual companies is to harmonise economic, ecological and social interests.

As a group, the Bundesdruckerei Group pursues a holistic sustainability concept. We endeavour to protect the environment and create a healthy and supportive working environment for our employees.

Foto einer blonden Frau in einem gelben Blazer. Im Hintergrund sieht man eine grafische Abbildung der Unternehmensfarben der Inco gelb und dunkelblau.

Careers at Inco